Morceau de Salon Op. 228 for oboe and
piano Guitar/cello duets
Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda (1801 - 1866)

In 2016 we remember the 150th anniversary of the passing of Johann
Baptist Wenzel Kalliwoda. Remember might be a somewhat misleading
word, as the 20th century never managed to acknowledge his
contributions to music. Interest in the composer was reawakened only
a couple of years ago when the Talich Quartet released a recording of
three Kalliwoda string quartets. Praised as "truly sensational
discoveries of 2006," it focused attention on a composer who had
made his memorable debut on 19 January 1826 in Leipzig. Barely 25
years of age and practically unknown, Kalliwoda's became an
overnight sensation with his unique take on the symphonic genre. He
did not try to emulate the style and expressive force of Beethoven,
and critics gave him credit for "pursuing his own path simply and
properly, without studiously trying to be something he is not."
His music was disburdened of Beethoven's monumentality while
standing on the cutting edge of its day. Kalliwoda has rightfully been
described as the "missing symphonic link between Beethoven and

Gabriel Fauré (1845 - 1924)

Fauré's music has been described as linking the end of Romanticism
with the modernism of the second quarter of the 20th century. When
he was born, Chopin was still composing, and by the time of Fauré's
death, jazz and the atonal music of the Second Viennese School were
being heard.   Wikipedia

Reflexões No. 6: Vivissimo
Jaime Zenamon (1953 - )

Jaime Mirtenbaum Zenamon (born 1953) is a classical guitarist and
composer. He was born in La Paz, Bolivia, and studied guitar and
composition in Israel, Spain and Portugal as well as in South America.
He taught at the Berlin Academy of Music from 1980 to 1992. He now
lives in Curitiba, Brazil.

In addition to advanced concert repertoire, he has written a number of
pieces for beginning and intermediate guitar students, some of which
have been included in collections of student repertoire.

Gretchen am Spinnrade
Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)

Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer of the late Classical
and early Romantic eras. Despite his short life, Schubert left behind
a vast oeuvre, including more than 600 secular vocal works, seven
complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music, and a
large body of piano and chamber music.
Born: January 31, 1797, Himmelpfortgrund, Vienna, Austria
Died: November 19, 1828 (age 31 years), Vienna, Austria

A New York Minutebr Marián Budos (1968 - )
Marián Budos is a composer, classical guitarist, conductor and
pedagogue who permanently moved to Australia in 1992. Recently
nominated for the 2022 Art Music Award in Australia, Budos has enjoyed
an amazing career as a composer, classical guitarist, conductor and
pedagogue, preceded by an earlier successful stint as a champion 1500m
runner for the Czecho-Slovakian national team. Marian heads the
Music Department at Narrabundah College in Canberra.